9.13 Guppy Pigglewiggle

It was Betta’s birthday when we returned from our vacation. She didn’t want a big party, but she did want her own photoshoot.12-07-15_2-40-21 AM

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She’s a spunky little fish isn’t she? She says she wants to be a model when she grows up. So I told her the only way to do that is study hard in school. Models have to be twice as smart as everyone else.

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Between homework, chess, and painting, I think she’s going to be just fine. After witnessing Ari’s ordeal during Uncle Luthor’s death, Ell decided against a homebirth. So she checked into the hospital when her time came. Big mistake she said, although she refused to go into details.
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Something to do with waiting forever to be checked in, Alton panicking outside the surgery room, and the little grabby thing trying to laser the thing that squirts disinfectant? I don’t understand a thing about medicine, but it sounded terrifying.

Meet Sage.

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Then, within a matter of moments after Ell’s return, it was time for the birth of our second child.

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Meet Guppy Pigglewiggle our generation 10 heir and with him comes the knowledge that we have completed this first challenge given to a children’s author with a an empty lot and wistful smile so many generations ago. We had no idea what we were doing or what we’d gotten ourselves into.

Lemongrass has short blue hair, is not to thin and is rocking with jeans, sensible shoes, and a black halter top.

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Somehow over the past year, we’ve muddled through the generations, until we got here. Generation 10. And now our legacy is complete. Thanks for joining us! And see you all again soon.

Final score: 83 out of 100.

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