House 005 Robin and Rowan Drifter: Part 1

This is the drifter challenge that I’m playing for fun. You can learn all about it the challenge here and read or watch lots of folks trying it out. It’s a combination generational and house building. Willow Creek and Oasis Springs have been emptied of people and houses. Each generation starts on an empty lot with a few rules and a goal. Generation 5 starts with two sims (I picked by twins from generation 4) with the goal to max both branches of the painting career, complete a photo hunt, and build a house worth §100k all before the first-born heir becomes a young adult. Since my game is just for fun – all you get are pictures.

Hope you enjoyed that brief dive into the life and times of Robin and Rowan Drifter. I went for an artistic Victorian house style although it doesn’t really fit the Oasis Springs lot. The house is pretty tiny and bare right now, but gah – these three (since Salma has also maxed painting all by herself) make so much money, I can’t spend it all anymore. No wonder Aubrey will go off to be a mansion baron, they’re used to opulence!

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    • I wanted to get the feel of looking through a scrap book. I fear not all my captions work as well. Haha – but it was really fun to write them anyway!


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