Hand drawn map of a plateau with several buildings. Notes call out important features like "Pub, yum!" or "Fancy tent with guards."

Ireland: The Beginning

Simple outline of ireland titled: Molly's Travel Map. A red dotted line shows the journey across the water to near Dublin, down to Bray, and across to the Wicklow Market Town inside a green forest outline. No other features at this time.
Travelling from the Port to Bray and finally to the Market Town in Wicklow Park

Molly loved Ireland, it was so green and vibrant. Exactly the kind of place Lillie needed to be to get her mind off her memories. Although it didn’t exactly seem to be working, ever since they’d arrived she’d had this look. Something was bothering her and it had started almost as soon as they’ve left the boat that had taken them across the Miur Eireann. She had that far away pained look in her eyes, like her memories were catching up to her. But that was impossible, Lillie had never been to Ireland before.

Determined not to let Lillie sink to a depressions, Molly threw herself at loving Ireland. She pointed out the distant rolling hills as they traveled from South from the port in the Kingdom of Tarramore.

“Oooh, Lillie look at those trees! They look like old women!”

In Bray they stayed the night at a small inn and Molly badgered Lillie all evening about how the stars would look now that they were in Ireland.

“I bet they’re twice as bright, the air feels so much clearer here. And it’s not raining.”

Late that night, the two women could be found in the field outside their inn, a small telescope set up, taking turns pointing out astronomical feature. Some they both knew well, but to Molly it felt like they were looking at the sky anew.

The next morning felt like a new beginning. They arrived in the small market near the edge of Wicklow National Park, a Fairy home preserve, by noon. According to the travelers they’d spoken to, it was the best place to get cheap supplies and had one of the better rumor mills around. The perfect place for the two women to find a job.

“I’m going to look around and see what’s available I need to charge the clips for my gun and we might want to see about finding a place to stay.” Molly said as they stood in the shelter of one of Molly’s “old woman trees” the branches bent low and gnarled. “You’ll check the newsboard?”

Hand drawn map of a plateau with several buildings. Notes call out important features like "Pub, yum!" or "Fancy tent with guards."
It’s a small market, but it’s got everything you can think of that you’ll need. Here’s a few of the notable locations.

Lillie assented, but as Molly watched her lover didn’t take off immediately for the board instead she pulled out her now worn journal to write. Not the best sign, Molly thought, but perhaps that means she’s able to put into words what’s bothering her.

The market was small, although it had everything she looked for. She charged a couple clips from the hovering charging station, and some simple rations from what looked like a “normal” farmer. Overalls and straw hat included. She was just about to check out the odds and ends shop when the scent of stew filled her nose and she was reminded of how hungry, and how thirsty she was.

Following her nose led Molly to the pub set precariously at the edge of the steep hill that separated the market from the park. Inside was perfect, smokey and dark but in a comfortable homey way. She waved companionably at the barkeep and then ducked back outside to grab Lillie.

Lillie was listening to the newsboard not to far away and she rushed over.

“Lillie! Come on, I found it!” She said, pulling on her lover’s arm.
“Found what, love?” Lillie asked. Despite being much taller than her silver-haired companion, Lillie allowed Molly to pull her several steps away from the board.
“I’m dying of thirst, and there’s pub over here. Let’s get a pint before we do anything else. We can finish shopping and all that stuff afterwards.”

The two women disappeared in the pub, neither one realizing they were being watched.


This is the beginning of a story based (semi-loosely) on a tabletop game my friends and I are playing in the D&D-like world of Rifts. Basically take fantasy, horror, and science fiction and put them all in a single world. The plot will mirror our adventures, but I’ll be adding details to make the story sound good these may or may not match what our GM plans. In other words, I’m making stuff up.

Your two cents,