Sakura High School – Build

This weekend (in between playing Rimwold), I spent a whole day building – over 10 hours! (And half the classrooms still aren’t decorated. Sigh)

Introducing: Sakura High School (A Modular HS for Storytelling)

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Sakura High School – I should really add a cherry blossom tree to the front.

I’ve noticed now and again for short stories or in my more story-driven stories, that I need school sets. Usually just for one shot. Who wants to spend the time building a complete school for one shot? Or maybe you make a nice classroom but don’t save it and then need it two chapters laters?

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Like this classroom – That’s all it is, a classroom built for a single shot.

My thought here was to create rooms that one might find in a high school that can be snapped together, like Legos. You can grab a room and hallway now when you need them and then later plop down other rooms as they come up, creating a Frankenstein school that has the rooms YOU need.

These are sets, for storytelling rather than gameplay (since the Get To School mod is broken as far as I’m aware). That’s one reason the classrooms are so tiny (6-10 chairs per room), you want to focus the events on your character.

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Assembled gym, office, locker rooms, and storage.

By no means is this build finished. I’m already missing the swimming pool and music room and as I said – I kind of burnt out and gave up decorating the classrooms for now. But it’s easy to create a plug and play rooms. I also focused on high school rooms – although Sakura Elementary school or Sakura University would be easy build the same way. Or even a Sakura Boarding School if you need.

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Frankenstein build – Library and classroom and hallway. Perhaps that’s all that’s needed.

Every room on this lot is available for download on the gallery separate from the lot. There are also blank template rooms of the three sizes (small, classroom, and medium) to decorate yourself.

The base school lot is required if you want to use this pre-assembled exterior or if you need the theater. To make the stage I had to use foundations, which means the seating area cannot be a room.

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Stage with ‘non-room’ seating area. Sigh.

The rooms on the main lot aren’t the finalize versions you might see on the gallery yet. (I had a game crash). But it’s a start.

You can find Sakura High School and all the rooms on the gallery under my username ra3rei – or the hastag #modularhs. I tried to pick rooms and such that you might need to write a story about.

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There are four floors of these hallways on the lot!
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Painting Class
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Science Lab
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Math Room
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Computer Lab
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Principal’s Office
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And there are many more rooms. If there’s room you need for a simlit school story, let me know and I can add it. Or download the template, change everything and share your own school rooms.


  1. That’s awesome! The industrial designer in me loves the idea of modular builds! I think all of the schools I’ve ever built are total Frankenstein schools too! I love the classrooms and the decor in them. Very believable.I also like how spacious and realistically sized the rooms are. My own Sims school rooms are usually a bit too small.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m glad you like it.

      Ah! Modular means that basically all the rooms are just building blocks. So you can place them down as you wish. And once you have a bunch stuck together – it might not be pretty with pieces sticking out here and there (like Frankenstein’s Monster was cobbled together from other people) – but it will function for screenshotting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love it Rae. Been fascinated with your concept of stages since you mentioned them a while back. This one is def going in my bag of tricks for when the triplets get to be teens. I was thinking it could operate as a club venue (to get lots of teens there).

    Liked by 1 person

      • I’m not sure! I’m still not sure whether I’m ready to hire my Sims as actors… I still see it as their lives I’m writing about in which cases I don’t want them to have homes and environments that are sets… but I’ve got this idea about making them explicitly across in a new story so they’d go to the film studio (maybe in New Crest ) composed entirely of sets and they have their homes and lives behind the scenes back in their home worlds… this way I could have scripted and unscripted stories with the same Sims . Hope it wouldn’t make them schizophrenic. It would take a special Sim!

        Liked by 1 person

        • That it would! It’s a balance between “lives” and “actors” that’s for sure. I tend to think of it as multiple universes for those (like Ghost) where I do have two saves. One is real life – and the other is an alternate reality which is similar, but not quite the same. For the Huffmans, at least if I do use school settings, it’ll be to expose that time when they are away from the lot where I can’t see them. But it’s still their life and I think of it more that they describe it to me afterwards. (Of course I haven’t needed to make fake shots for Huffmans yet…).

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Your two cents,