Burning Bowl – Day 3

Since “yesterday” went so well, after a few hours break we opened the restraunt back up for the dinner rush. Shannon was still feeling fine.

First though, we had to clean up the remains from lunch.

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With only Colette doing the waiting, I’m glad Shannon can pitch in to help clear off the tables. We’re getting full enough I’d love to expand, but until we break 100.00 on the day, I think that’s a bit irresponsible.

Today’s celebrity guest is Cocoa Pigglewiggle! Hi!!

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Sadly he didn’t come with his family, so we didn’t get to see the rest of this household. Cocoa is from my own Sidelines: Get to Work story.

We did end up adding one more table to the restaurant and our critic returned and gave us a much better review! We gave Colette a raise, so I’m hoping that will improve her service. At the end of the night, Shannon was getting hungry so we decided to try out the dining experience ourselves. 06-09-16_7-14-18 PM

Unfortunately we had an issue and the meal was bugged. The food never appeared on the table. So we were stuck with cereal for dinner again.

So how was day three, Shannon? You’re checking right?

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Woot! Officially a 4-star restaurant. Shame we’re not making bank yet. But look, Colette! You’re doing a great job.


Your two cents,