Ghost 5 – Decisions

05-04-16_2-24-08 PM

05-04-16_2-26-13 PM

05-04-16_2-26-43 PM

05-04-16_2-27-28 PM

05-04-16_2-27-39 PM

05-04-16_2-28-46 PM

05-04-16_2-02-58 PM

05-04-16_2-03-17 PM

05-04-16_2-04-44 PM

05-04-16_2-05-28 PM

05-04-16_2-05-34 PM

05-04-16_1-49-46 PM

05-04-16_1-49-51 PM

05-04-16_2-06-53 PM

05-04-16_2-10-07 PM

05-04-16_3-11-56 PM

05-04-16_3-09-07 PM

05-04-16_3-13-35 PM

05-04-16_3-17-58 PM

05-04-16_3-19-50 PM

05-04-16_3-18-45 PM

05-04-16_3-18-47 PM

05-04-16_3-19-04 PM

05-04-16_3-15-25 PM

05-04-16_3-16-06 PM

05-04-16_3-16-45 PM

05-04-16_3-16-53 PM

05-04-16_3-17-07 PM

05-04-16_3-13-18 PM

05-04-16_3-30-54 PM

05-04-16_3-31-39 PM

05-04-16_3-33-16 PM

* Distressed furniture, floors, walls, and windows from Daer0n, mainly from the haunted house set
* Challenge details: CitizenErased14’s Ambrosia Challenge


    • Yup! Hank is rocking the Look.

      I don’t think James has it, since he was born before any pears were… He was conceived back in the land of tiny eyes, square jaw.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Love the wordlessness, of course 😉 (And that sexy hottub pose on the bench is epic). They are such a great couple. This is exciting 😀


    • Gah – they will NOT keep their hands off each other. Today Hank was exhausted and they were just finishing dinner. She had a whim to embrace him so I set that up. Next thing I know they heading for the closet. Sigh. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • I could predict…not well – but sadly we kind of skip that part as you have already discovered.

      I still have a grand plan to do an entirely wordless story once, I remember someone on the forums did and it was epic. But it requires a lot of planning. So that idea for now is simmering!

      Liked by 1 person

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