ISBI Flashback: Gen 1.1

So I started a Simblr…just to figure out how Tumblr works. And have been irregulaly posting tiny snippets from my Sims 3 ISBI. Considering where it is IRL and where the Simblr is…It’ll be going for a while. So I figure I’d do a “week in review” type post to collect them all for you.

Meet Clio Biblioteque.
Clio loves to garden.
Playing in the rain.
First day of work
The beach? It’s supposed to rain later today. How about a movie.
Looks like the date went well.
Very, very well. Welcome to the family, Michael.
Autonomous sims! Look ma! He cleans too!
I’m going to teach you to walk!
It was a dark and stormy night. Where are you headed, Clio?

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  1. Love this! I’m so in love with TS3 stories right now! The visuals! Plus, the Sims seem awesome. I’ve still got it all loaded on my Mac… maybe during winter break? If the legacy’s done? How cool! Plus this really makes me want to play an ISBI! 🙂 I just might… I just might do a TS3 ISBI! You read Saraphaeli’s, right? ❤

    I'll follow you on Tumblr!

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