Huffman Legacy 2.15 – It’s an Emergency

06-28-16_8-06-31 PM

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06-28-16_11-59-50 PM

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06-29-16_12-36-32 AM

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Author’s Note: The Huffmans just seem to get more and more wordless as I continue. I had a lot of fun piecing this together. At first, I was going to reshoot some pictures and be all drama!(tm). Looking over the pictures I had though, I decided these shots did it justice and no need to try to do more.

And yes, Sam finally panicked, but he had good reason to. We’ll learn more soon!


  1. I loved this one! And OMG is that twins again?!?! Oh goodness, Karen, do you see what you’ve done? 😛 Welcome to the world little nooboos! Though I’m sad and confused why one is in a different room..? :-/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yup, twins. o.O Neither Karen nor I were expecting that. (Although in retrospect we should have?)

      And we’ll learn more next chapter about what happened and why Sam panicked (as well as their names).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m going to guess the son has to stay in the hospital post-birth for extra care. Must’ve been a rough transition. T_T I was one of those nooboos that didn’t get to go home right away either (I was born with spinal meningitis… ick).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. YAY, A BOOOOOY! Wait, is it two boys? I can’t tell what the other baby is wearing lol. FIVE KIDS?! WOW Sam! He got the family he wanted plus some extra! lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jazz!!!! You’re becoming friends with the monster!!!

    Oh and Hi Nooboo x2!!! I see a pink bassinet so I’m guessing boy and girl!

    And how absolutely adorbs is Sam in that early pic by the Baby Feels picture??

    And yeah Karen- hate to say it lady but you were your own planet there, not surprised about twins really. Even before the babies were born I though…wow she’s big, could it be twins again?

    Liked by 1 person

    • And she’s not my biggest by far (and that was a single birth). But she’s a bit bigger all around despite being an active sim she hasn’t had a chance to work out much. And that makes for a bigger pregnancy. I didn’t check though – I left it as a surprise for me.

      Technically that pink one is Pippin (This time I remember!). Lol. So your gender guess is right, but the game just gave me a random color for the bassinet. 90% of all pictures in Huffmans are game based.


  5. Oh!!! I wasn’t body shaming Karen at all!!! I hope it didn’t come across that way. I just wasn’t sure if the game made her bigger because she was carrying twins!!

    And awesome that Pippin arrived in the pink! That hasn’t happened yet for me!!


Your two cents,