Huffman Legacy 2.19 – Happy Holidays

2016-12-20-02_15_44-shutterfly-_-5x7-stationery-cardDear Friends,

So you’re probably wondering what we’re all up to these days. Or perhaps you’re not because you’ve forgotten all about us. That’s understandable you have your own lives, we have ours. Life gets busy and you lose touch.

That’s why holiday letters are a good tradition. Even if you’ve not paid any attention all year, you can touch base with distant friends. Holiday letters aren’t required if you’re right across the street or if you talk all the time. You all already know what’s going on in our lives and we know what’s going on in yours. Well, for all of you that haven’t kept touch, here’s our annual family update.

Elsa at the Beach over summer break.


As you know, the twins started university last year. Elisa continues to study geology and rock magnetism. She’s even got to prep samples for the SQUID. That’s the superconducting quantum interference device. Honest, look it up. It’s a thing. When she came home this summer we could hardly understand her anymore. She spent most of her summer outside looking for rocks and crystals and getting a wicked tan. She has her eyes set on moving to San Myshuno the moment she graduates- the university there has a great rock magnitism lab and she’s set on getting a scholarship for her masters.


Our girls could not be more different. Where we hardly see Elisa even when she’s home, Evelyn is always dropping by. Sometimes it seems she’s home more often than she’s at school. I know we said last year that she was studying History, but once again she’s changed her major. This time to art. We’ll see if this major sticks. But she’s a great help around the house this year and has a knack for getting Pippin excited about studying. I would have said she was a born teacher, but she couldn’t stand the education classes.

Jasmine and the Tickle Monster

Jasmine is about to finish High School. Phew. Time really flies eh? Seems like just yesterday she was a just a little thing telling us all about the tickle monster under her bed and what it was up to. Oh, the stories she used to tell us about the adventures they had. I though for sure she’d want to study English, but nope. She’s headed straight for culinary school after this and after sampling some of her early tests, I fear that may be the perfect job for her, if not my waistline. If you hear about a new bakery opening up in the next couple years, check it out. It’ll probably be Jazz.


Our two littlest ones do definitely keep us on our toes. Paige started playing basketball this year and her team almost made nationals! Despite her new-found interest in sports, she’s still the captain of her chess team. Between sports practice and chess matches, we ended up driving her all over Windenburg. I don’t know where she had the time to study, but she ended up on the honor roll again.

Pippin and Paige

I am extremely happy to let you all know that the doctors gave Pippin a clean bill of health just last week. It’s been a stressful year all around, but our little guy has been a trooper. Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts on Simbook. We couldn’t respond to you all, but know it was appreciated. The school even pulled some strings so he can graduate with his class this year rather than being held back from missing all those months.


As for Karen and I, we’re doing great. Karen is finally getting the recognition at the paper for all the work she’s been doing. Two of her articles won the paper’s best monthly article. Perhaps you read them? ‘The Hidden Dangers of Fugu’ and ‘Why the Romance Festival Sucks.’ They’ve asked her to do a column on the website so keep an eye out for ‘The Real Deal’ starting up next year.


I just had the big 40 and the kids and Karen put on a huge Halloween party to celebrate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many hotdogs in one location. But it was great to see those of you who could make it and we’re trying to get the pictures from the photographer ordered so we can get them on Simbook for you all. I had to take some time off work with Pippin in the hospital, but I’m returning to the WFC starting next year. My only regret is a lot of the faces and folks I’ve come to know have retired over the past years. I’m not sure I’ll recognize any of the athletes when I return to my practice.

Well, there you have it. Feel free to give us a call or drop by the island to visit and then you won’t have to rely on long-winded letters to stay up-t0-date. We’d love to see you!



Sam, Karen, and the kids

Sorry, I got totally stuck on this back in September. There are at least three abandoned drafts out there as testament to my failure. So we’re cheating and going to bounce ahead in time and use the photos as flashbacks if they’re needed. I’m going to concentrate on our heir Pippin going forward. I think I lost track with so many stories I wanted to tell and not enough gameplay to sustain it without turning aging off or setting changing it from normal to long. (You can see the hints of them here, haha – there were some good ones).

Happy Holiday from me and all my sims! Drink plenty of cocoa and stay warm!


  1. I missed this family so much! This was a great way to catch everyone up 🙂 I’m excited for little Pippin’s story to begin (hopefully without too many more health scares, poor thing!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so excited that Pippin is heir! For some reason, he and Max seem very similar to me… Introverts? Yes… Thoughtful? Yes… Sensitive? Surely. But I think it’s because both seem very observant!

    I really enjoyed this catch-up, and, of course, I’m a huge fan of gaps–so YAY!

    Happy holidays, if I don’t run into you elsewhere and elsewhen! Lots of love and thanks for giving me so many happy hours of reading! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. HA! Why the Romance Festival Sucks sounds exactly like something I’d write for real LOL. I actually kind of like this “annual” letter idea. Unfortunately for me, it gives me more unnecessary ideas LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ain’t that the truth? There are far too many great ideas out there.

      And lol, technically Karen has only been to the flea market and spice festival, but I can guarantee she wouldn’t have been impressed by the romance one. 😁

      Liked by 1 person

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