Galaxy, covered in dirt, sit on the ground next to the monkey bars.

Step 30: Hard Goodbyes

Dylan Pigglewiggle gives birth in the nursery.
Welcome Nova!

Little Nova is so sweet. Like Nebula. she was born early in the morning, predawn in fact. It was a bittersweet day. On the one hand we were celebrating a new life, but on the other hand, we had to say goodbye to Mo, Katrina, and Cocoa.

Mo was our rock, really, I’ve never lived without my cousin and he supported and balanced out the rest of us working nights so he’d be around during the day. Cocoa and Galaxy were the best of friends and we had to explain to them the 8 sim household rule. Their absence was felt.

It was felt when there were only two of us to split the garden work.

Toby weeds the garden.
All day, everyday.


It was felt when the last of the gnocchi was gone and no one had a cooking skill higher than 3.


Galaxy and Nebula eat salads at the kitchen table.
We are eating mainly salads, mac and cheese, and grilled cheese sandwiches…and cereal.

And it was felt when Galaxy achieved her scamp badge but Cocoa wasn’t around to celebrate.

Galaxy, covered in dirt, sit on the ground next to the monkey bars.
Being a scamp is hard work.

It does give us more room though. Room to get to know each other as a family.

Galaxy and Nebula pose for a bff selfie.
New Best Friends Forever.

Room to welcome new neighbors into our lives.

A full table of new children and Galaxy and Nebula making new friends. Not shown, but present is Nova.
Hanging out with the neighbor kids.

And room to welcome little Meteor.

Dylan holds an infant in a green monkey onesie.
Hello Meteor.

Previous | Next: Day in the Life – Toby


    • Yup. Lots of adventures for Cocoa. I keep trying to have a cadet branch, but every time I try something happens to knock them out of the house. It’s easier to keep a single cadet sim than try for a whole family. Then again, I tend to like my children in threes which doesn’t leave a lot of room.

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