9.9 Minkz Love

I met Minkz in our basement. He’d just come from fixing the radio down there. I’m not sure any of us even knew it was broke. We’d hired him to fix the teapot since Uncle Luthor was at work. You know, I’m not sure that teapot ever got fixed.

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He was a really funny guy and really creative too. That really attracted me. I like to paint and all, but I struggle with figuring out what to paint or how to compose the scene differently than what everyone else does. Minkz just rolls in ideas. I’m kind of jealous. Your start taking and he just runs with the idea out to four different corners. It’s like he multiples them.

None of the other guys I met were half as interesting.  So I called him up for a date.

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After that night, it felt like time was just flying by us. Did you know that Hank’s girlfriend Lillian moved in with us? It’s not like she wasn’t already practically living here.

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And then Elleanor proposed…ELL! to Alton.

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I think it was his half-nakedness that got her in a moment of weakness. She just needed to keep his abs around. I never saw her as the marrying type, but Alton has changed her. She’s softer now, kinder. So of course, since Ell started it, Hank had to propose as well.

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Whims were flying left and right in our house. I wonder if Uncle Luthor felt left out. Unlike my siblings, he never really pursued a life outside the house. Does he regret it? To be honest, I’m a bit worried about him. The way he dresses for work…is it a sign his mind is going. He’s really really old now.

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Anyway, I knew I was going to have to follow my siblings. I really wanted to, but I wanted the timing to be perfect. I invited Minkz to come fishing with me in the secret grotto I’d found. We did fish…some.

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So that was that. Minkz Love is now part of our family and part of my life. It’s awesome to have him around the house all the time.

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12-03-15_5-39-17 AM

He’s a keeper!

Previous | Next: Tree Weddings


  1. SOOOOO happy! This is really delightful! She’s so funny–sweet in a nonromantic way that just makes what they have seem all that more special. And his name! Minkz Love! Plus he’s adorable! I have a feeling their eyes will combine really well in the gen 10 nooboo! And what’s up with Luthor?

    Awesome screenshots–that one with the ring is fantastic! And they’re all interesting and significant. Inspiring attention to detail! All right! The happy conclusion is fast approaching!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Somehow I have no normal shots of Luthor! His “work” clothes included those glasses and … um… interesting eyes makeup. I’m clueless! And little concerned.

      And you’re right, we’re almost at the end now. Ari wasn’t the fastest to find a spouse, but she was definitely faster than her father!

      Liked by 2 people

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