Showing the back of the house, the porch and other outdoor spaces.

Legacy Challenge: House and Points Update

For a while, I was trying to hold onto my money to help out with Conan’s wealth aspiration, but when Nikita aged up and Austin and Conan were still alive, I knew it was time to remodel so I broke out Netflix and started watching snow monkeys and working on the house. (I like watching documentaries while I build.)

Rambling house that now sprawls over half the yard with gray brick walls and dark wood trim and roof.
I’m starting to fill up the plot.

First off, I wanted build a proper children’s wing that I could use though out the legacy no matter how many children are born (although it’ll be tough no matter what when I go for 10 kids. I also wanted to (finally) give Reef a proper room, even if he eventually leaves to live with his fiance and kids.

Wide hallways with kids play things, green grass carpet and wooden paneling.
I really like the “grass” carpet.

The main challenge of this built was getting the “wing” of the house to connect with the main body without being too awkward. We eventually tricked the house into believing some of the roofs were rooms so that I could get the trim to work a little better. I dislike that the trim only gets added when there’s a story above as I’ve been using the trim for flat roof portions.

Showing the back of the house, the porch and other outdoor spaces.
You can see the connections to the old party room that now houses the kids wing and the master bedroom.

When Austin and Conan both died on the same day, I ended up with two extra bedrooms. Conan’s got transformed into another inspiration room, for writing and painting. I had more trouble figuring out what to do with Austin’s room, and almost razzed the entire third floor, but eventually realized that it would make a good exercise room.

Red and brown room with easels, and the writing desk and computer.
Good for writing and painting, especially good for loners who like painting.
Mirror walls, exercise equipment and fishing trophies decorate this small room.
Third storey bedroom works much better as a gym.

With a little more breathing room in the main house, I was able to get rid of the second kitchen which really just caused problems (you never where the Sim was going to grab leftovers from) and put in a nice Jacuzzi for the parents. I’m tempted by a mod that lets you “set” which shower and bath a Sim will use because they ALWAYS go for the nicest tubs and without the ability to lock the door, that means they’re going to be walking in on their parents.

Master bathroom is brown and blue tile, with a huge hot tub and a beautiful view.
I too would never want to bath anywhere else.

The house is currently valued at 221,000 simoleons. We’ve got 70,000 left in the bank. (Although bills are 10k now that Conan is gone). That gives me 3 whole legacy points in the money category, which is about what I have on average for each point category at the start of Generation 3. That sounds good, but I have no idea what the average is. Break down is as follows:

  • 3 points for Generation 3 reaching Young Adult
  • 2 points for memorials, 3rd point is pending Reef composing a song for Cason.
  • 3 points for household worth over 200,000 simoleons
  • 3 points for my three spouses, since all of them have had unique traits
  • 3 points for making 8 skills
  • 4 points for achieving 5 aspirations (thanks Austin!)
  • 2 points for my collections (all the potions, and all the my sims), just one painting away from a third point here
  • 2 points for food, one for having a sim get fat on home cooking, and the other for six sims eating together
  • 2 points for over 30 party points (I’ve thrown 15 parties so far)
  • 6 points (woot!) for having 16 potions of youth on my lot untouched.
  • 0 pentalty points

Legacy Score: 30

Previous | Next: Going for 10 Babies


  1. And you claim not to be doing well at the money aspect of the legacy! Your family is loaded at gneration 3 already 😀 The house and the remodelled rooms look lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Honestly, I’m not! I have no idea why my house isn’t worth more since it’s so big. But I really like how it turned out in this refresh. Overall, the house has never gotten above 350k. Point-wise, that’s like only 4 fortune points. I have no idea how Pinstar expects us to have a house worth 5,700,000 simoleons even after 10 generations.

      That being said, getting this much money so fast is one of the reasons I’m interested in the Apocalypse challenge. I figure they’ll have to struggle more there. . . now I feel cruel.


Your two cents,