8.20 Big Brother

Hi there! Guess what? Today is the day! Henry is a small kid, dark hair, tan skin, dark eyes. Wearing his blue pj bottoms. It's morning and he's smiling.

What day, you ask? Well, let me just get breakfast. I’m always hungry in the morning and it’s hard to talk on an empty stomach.

Henry grabs a cupcake from the fridge. Huge smile on his face.

Normally mom would yell at me for eating cupcakes for breakfast, but not today. Today is the most exciting day of of my life so far.

Dad explained it to me yesterday. He was helping me with my homework. I don’t have a lot of trouble with homework, but it’s good to have someone nearby to help point you in the right direction.

Bane in his work suit, helps Henry with his homework after work.

“Son,” he said. “Tomorrow your momma’s going to have her baby.”

Henry in his blue checked vest, is sitting at the kitchen table doing his homework. He's smirking like he knows everything.

A baby! Did you hear that? I’m going to be a big brother. Me, Henry Pigglewiggle. You know who I am right? I’m sure dad told you all about me. Well, I’m all for being a big brother. It sounds like fun. I’ll get someone else to talk to and to play with. A little brother perhaps to play spaceman with.That would be cool. I told my dad I’d share my room. But he said the baby would have be in the nursery first. That was my room for a while, but now I’m all grown up and I get a big room.

“Mom,” I asked her after I’d finished my homework. “Is it true that I’m going to have a baby brother?”

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“Well, that or a sister,” She said. A sister huh. That would be okay I guess. Not as cool as bother, but still pretty awesome.

“Can I feel the baby?”

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“Woah! It kicked!”

Later I updated my friends on the news.

Henry can usually be found on the upstairs computer. He has a ton of online friends.

HP: Tomorrow I will be a big brother.

KKiller: Sooo cool! RU going to miss school?

HP: Dad says I have 2 go.

KKiller: Unfair!

It was a bit. But Dad is serious about things like that. So I don’t mine too much. Oh KKiller? That’s my best friend, Keon Keller. I met him at school and we usually hang out at the park until dinner time. We call him Killer just for fun he’s not really a killer or anything like that.11-08-15_2-25-04 PM

Well, I’ve got to head off to school. So I’ll catch you all later. I bet when you see me again, I won’t be the only kid in this house.11-05-15_11-13-10 PM

So school was okay. But I was excited for it to be over so I could run home and meet my new brother…or sister. I got yelled at by the teacher for talking in class, but when I explained about my mom she didn’t make me stay late in detention or anything. That would have been just awful.

I raced upstairs the moment I got home. Dad was sleeping on the couch. I’m not sure what’s up with him, but he seems tired a lot more these days.

Bane is curled up in his suit on the couch. Sorry he was just too cute to not put in.

Anyways, I raced upstairs as fast as I could. Two steps at time. And walked into the nursery that used to be mine.

Two (TWO!) cribs in this pictures. Both filled with a bouncing baby girl.

Henry is looking at the two bassinets.

Henry is scowling.

Not what I was expecting.

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  1. LOL! So cute! That priceless expression at the end! And what is it about gen 9 kids and cuteness? Killer! Hahahaha! I love his bow-tie! So cute! And, in my eyes, Henry might be the cutest Pigglewiggle yet! (Well, we have yet to meet the sisters!) He’s got that shine of Super Sims, it seems!

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