Harley is surrounded by adult sims as she goes to blow out the candles.

6.8 Orbiting a Meteor

Harley and Michel were good legacy children. They met their aunts and great uncle living nearby, but Meteor was in a bad mood and they left soon after he arrived.

Harley listens to an animated Cocoa in the upstairs office.
In this other saved game, I gave birth to an alien!
Michel does homework at the kitchen table under Nebula's watchful eyes.
The hip bone is connected to the thigh bone, yes right there.
Meteor is clearly angry.
They don’t belong in our story anymore! They have their own. We’re going home, now.

Both achieved Whiz Kid status, but afterwards they picked different paths. Michel going for scamp and Harley for creative as that seemed to be where they wanted to go.

Harley carefully drops something into a glowing green test tube.
Careful now, don’t explode…
Michel plays on the monkey bars. He's an outdoors lover so he is really happy not to be inside for onece.
A sim like me belongs outdoors – not inside some musty old house.

A few days before their birthday the family went on vacation to Granite Falls, again staying in a proper cabin.

Sonja calls the cabin rental service.
Granite Falls? We’d like to rent a cabin.

It was a much needed break for all.

After bedtime, the adults all sit around the fire, chatting. Meteor plays the guitar
Singing songs by the fire.
Meteor and Harley chat as Meteor makes a late night snack.
Someday this Legacy will be yours Harley.
Sonja receives a much needed backrub from Galaxy.
Even the best vacation must come to an end.

All too soon the vacation was over and then it was birthday time. Galaxy was aging up to elder.

Galaxy surrounded by friends and family confronts the birthday cake.
Back home, Galaxy makes her last wish…

Then the twins had their chance.

CAS of teenage Michelangelo.
Perhaps I should rename him “David” 🙂

Michelangelo aged up insane, but despite that small inconvenience he’s shaping up to be quite the sibling. Hopefully his sister won’t drive him off too soon.

Harley is surrounded by adult sims as she goes to blow out the candles.
I hope I get taller…
Harley cackles maniacally over breakfast.
The chances were high that someone would take after Meteor and Darin.

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